Facebook Insights notes/limitations

  • Deprecated metric & dimension combinations: As of March 14, 2024, the following combinations are no longer available through Facebook Insights' API:

    Page Stories Story Type
    Facebook Page Likes Age Gender
    New Fans (New Page Likes) Likes Sources
    Page Unlikes Likes Sources
    Check-ins Age Gender
    Check-ins Country
    Check-ins Language
    Page Positive Feedback Feedback Type
    Page Views Age Gender
    Page Views Device Type
    Page Views External Referer

  • Facebook Reels: At this time, FB reels are not supported.
  • Historical limitations: Facebook Insights’ API will not retain any data older than 2 years, as stated at the top of their technical documentation here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v4.0/insights. Therefore, if you go back further than 2 years in the past in your dashboard, your widgets will not show any data.

  • Page VS post metrics: some metrics can be used both without a dimension ("page"-related metric) or with a dimension ("post"-related metric). 
    • The metrics for the page may report different data: it will include actions on the page, whether or not it is on a post published during the period you are looking at.
    • The metrics for the post will include reactions on a given post and be reported only in the period where the post has been published.
      • ex: 5 likes on a post in June, 4 likes on a post in May (all likes executed during the month of June) will be reported as 9 likes for the page. However, only the June post will show likes as the post in May will be reported for, in May.
  • Demographic dimensions limitations: Due to the particularity of Facebook Insights’ API, demographic dimensions such as Age, Gender, Age Gender, City, and Country, will only be returned if there is data for 100 or more people.

  • Non-video posts, in widgets containing video-related metrics (e.g, Video Views, 30-second Video Views) will display 0 for these metrics. Data for other non-video metrics will be fetched correctly by the widget.
  • At this time, posts with attachments will be filtered out of the results which may cause some discrepancies. 
  • Facebook is currently reporting a bug about the page followers metric. You may notice some discrepancies between the number of followers on the Facebook page and the numbers reported in your dashboard.
    We are closely monitoring the situation.


Should you need any assistance with Facebook Insights, please reach out to our Support Team🤘