Metric name | Description | Calculations (if applicable) |
3-Second Video Views | The number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least 3 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever comes first. | |
30-Second Video Views | The number of times the video was watched for a total of at least 30 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever comes first. | |
Actions* | The total number of actions that users took can be directly attributed to your ads. Actions can include anything from engagement, clicks, or conversions. | |
Amount Spent* | The estimated total amount of money spent on your campaign, ad set, or ad during its schedule. | |
Applications Submitted | The number of submitted application events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Applications Submitted Conversion Value | The number of submitted application events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Appointments Scheduled | The number of scheduled events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Appointments Scheduled Conversion Value | The total value of scheduled events is tracked with the conversions objective. | |
Clicks (All) | The total number of times users have clicked on your ad. | |
Contacts | The number of contact events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Contacts Conversion Value | The total value of contact events is tracked with the conversions objective. | |
Cost Per 1000 People Reached | Calculated by dividing the reach of the ad by the total cost of your ad, and then multiplying this total by 1000. | |
Cost per 3-Second Video View | The average cost of each 3-second video view. | |
Cost Per Any Action* | Calculated by dividing the total number of actions on your ad by the total cost of the ad. | |
Cost per Application Submitted | The average cost of each submitted application event. | |
Cost per Contacts | The average cost of each scheduled event. | |
Cost per Event Response | The average cost of each event response. | |
Cost Per Inline Post Engagement | The average cost of each inline post engagement. | |
Cost per Landing Page View | The average cost of each landing page view. | |
Cost per Location Searches | The average cost of each find location event. | |
Cost per On-Facebook Lead | The average cost of each on-Facebook lead. | |
Cost per Outbound Click | The average cost for each outbound click. | |
Cost per Page Like | The average cost of each page like. | |
Cost per Page Mention | The average cost of each page mention. | |
Cost per Post Comment | The average cost of each post comment. | |
Cost per Post Engagement | The average cost of each post engagement. | |
Cost per Post Reaction | The average cost of each post reaction. | |
Cost per Post Share | The average cost of each post share. | |
Cost per Products Customized | The average cost of each customized product event. | |
Cost per Subscription | The average cost of each subscribed event. | |
Cost Per Unique Action* | Calculated by dividing the cost by the total number of users who took an action that can be attributed to your ad. | |
Cost Per Unique Click (All) | The average cost for each unique click (all). | |
Cost per Unique Link Click | The average cost of each unique click-to-link. | |
Cost per Website Add To Cart | The average cost of each website is “add to cart”. | |
Cost per Website Checkout Initiated | The average cost of each initiated website checkout. | |
Cost per Website Content Views | The average cost of each website content view. | |
Cost per Website Lead | The average cost of each website lead. | |
Cost per Website Purchase* | The average cost of each post share. | |
Cost per Website Registration Completed* | The average cost of each website registration completed. | |
CPC (All) | The average cost of all clicks. | |
CPC (Cost per Inline Link Click) | The average cost of each inline link click. | |
CPC (Cost per Link Click) | The average cost of each link click. | |
CPM (Cost per 1000 Impressions) | The average cost of 1000 impressions. | |
CTR (All) | The percentage of times users saw your ad and performed a click (all). | |
CTR (Link Click-Through Rate) | The percentage of times users saw your ad and completed a link click. | |
Event Responses | The number of users who responded with either an “Interested” or “Going” to an event can be attributed to your ads. | |
Frequency | The average number of times each user saw your ad. | |
Impressions | The number of impressions. | |
Inline Link Clicks | The number of clicks on links to select destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook-owned properties. The “inline link clicks” metric uses a fixed 1-day click-through attribution window. | |
Inline Post Engagement | The total number of actions that users took involving your ads (or all posts, in some cases). | |
Landing Page Views | The number of times a person viewed your ad’s destination URL (the landing page) after clicking on your ad. | |
Link Clicks | The number of clicks on your ad links to select destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook-owned properties. | |
Link Clicks Conversion Rate* | Calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of link clicks. | |
Location Searches | The number of find location events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Location Searches Conversion Value | The total value of find location events is tracked with the conversions objective. | |
On-Facebook Leads | The number of leads submitted on Facebook-owned property (including forms and Messenger) and attributed to your ads. | |
Outbound Clicks | The number of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties. The metric includes clicks on links that appear in the displayed ad, as well as links in extended experiences such as Canvas, collections or Facebook forms. | |
Outbound CTR | The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed an outbound click. | |
Page Engagement | The total number of actions that can be attributed to your ads that people took on your page and its posts. This can include actions such as liking your page, loving a post, checking in to your location, clicking on a link, and more. | |
Page Likes | The number of likes of your Page is attributed to your ads. | |
Page Mentions | The number of mentions of your Page that are attributed to your ads. A mention happens when a person types @ followed by your Page name, then selects your Page name from a list, in either a post or comment. | |
People Taking Actions* | The total number of users who took an action can be attributed to your ads. | |
Post Comments | The number of comments on your ad. | |
Post Engagement | The total number of actions that people take involving your ads. | |
Post Reactions | The number of reactions to your ads. The reactions button on an ad allows people to share different reactions to its content: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, or Angry. | |
Post Shares | The number of shares of your ads. People can share ads or posts on their own or friends’ Timelines, in groups, and on their own Pages. | |
Products Customized | The number of customized product events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Products Customized Conversion Value | The total value of customized product events is tracked with the conversions objective. | |
Reach | The total number of users who saw your ads at least once. Note: reach is different from impressions because impressions can include multiple views of the ads by the same user. | |
ROAS (Return on ad spend – %) | The total return on ad spend (ROAS, as a percentage) from website conversions. This is based on the value of all conversions recorded by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads divided by their cost. | |
ROAS (Return on ad spend – $) | The total return on ad spend (ROAS, in currency) from website conversions. This is based on the value of all conversions recorded by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads divided by their cost. | |
ROI (Return on investment in %) | Calculated by subtracting the derived cost of your ad campaign from the conversion values for all conversions, and then dividing this total by the derived cost of your ad campaign. | |
ROI (Return on investment in $) | Calculated by subtracting the derived cost of your ad campaign from the conversion values for all conversions, and then dividing this total by the derived cost of your ad campaign. | |
Subscribe Conversion Value | The total value of subscribed events is tracked with the conversions objective. | |
Subscriptions | The number of subscribed events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Total Conversion Value* | The total value of all conversions can be directly attributed to your ad. | |
Unique Clicks (All) | The total number of unique users who clicked on your ad (all). | |
Unique CTR (All) | The percentage of people who saw your ad and performed a unique click (all). | |
Unique CTR (Link Click-Through Rate) | The percentage of users who saw your ad and completed a link click. | |
Unique impressions | The number of unique impressions. | |
Unique Link Clicks | The number of people who performed a link click. | |
Video Watches at 100% | The number of times your video was watched at 100% of its length, including watches that skipped to the end. | |
Website Adds To Cart* | The number of “add to cart” events are tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Website Checkouts Initiated | The number of initiated checkout events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Website Content Views | The number of view-content events recorded by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Website Leads* | The number of lead events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Website Purchase ROAS (Return on Ad Spend – %) | The total return on ad spend (ROAS, as a percentage) from website purchases. This is based on the value of all conversions recorded by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Website Purchase ROAS (Return on Ad Spend – $)* | The total return on ad spend (ROAS, in currency) from website purchases. This is based on the value of all conversions recorded by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Website Purchases* | The number of purchase events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. | |
Website Purchases Conversion Value* | The total value of website purchase conversions. | |
Website Registration Completed | The number of complete registration events is tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads. |
Metrics indicated with an asterisk (*) are subject to latency. This means that data can continue to be accumulated even after the end of the reporting period. For this reason, these particular metrics will continue to be compiled up to 30 days after the end of the reporting period.
Dimension name | Description |
Action Type | This shows the breakdown of results by the type of action. Note: The same action can be counted in multiple types. Ex. A Like is also a Page Engagement and will be counted twice when the results are broken down. |
Ad account name | The name of your Meta ad account. |
Ad account name with ID | The name of your Meta ad account, along with its ID. We recommend you use this metric if some of your ad accounts have the same name. |
Ad ID | This shows the breakdown of results by the name of your ad and its ID number. |
Ad Name* | This shows the breakdown of results by the name of your ad. |
Ad Set | This shows the breakdown of results by the name of your Ad Set. |
Ad with Image | The ad itself, as well as its name, ID number, and image. |
Age | This shows the breakdown of results by age range. |
Campaign Name | This shows the breakdown of results by name of your campaign. |
Country ISO Code | This shows the breakdown of results by the country ISO code where the ads were viewed. |
Device Category (Desktop / Mobile) | This shows the breakdown of results by the device type (desktop or mobile) where the ads were viewed. |
Gender | This shows the breakdown of results by gender. |
Impression Device | This shows the breakdown of devices people were using when they saw your ads. |
Placement | This shows the breakdown of results by placement (ex: Facebook desktop News Feed, Instagram mobile News Feed) where your ad was shown. |
Platform | This shows the breakdown of results by platform (ex: Facebook, Instagram) where your ad was shown. |
Platform & Device | This shows the breakdown of results by platform (ex: Facebook, Instagram) where your ad was shown and the devices people were using when they saw your ads. |
Region | This shows the breakdown of results by the region (such as state or province) where the ads were viewed. |
*Ad Name dimension:
You can display your data using two major dimensions: Ad Name or Ad ID. It’s important to note that if you use the Ad Name dimension, the data of all Ads under the exact same name will be aggregated (as a sum). However, if you display your data by Ad ID, each Ad’s data will be displayed independently, even if they have the same name since they most likely have different parameters.
If you would like to request more metrics and dimensions, please reach out to our Support Team.
What's next:
Meta Ads filters
How to see events and custom conversions in Meta Ads
How to compare my Meta Ads data results in DashThis
What are the default attribution settings for my Meta Ads dashboards?