You would like to personalize the data displayed in your widget? Facebook Ads offers filters so you can accomplish this. When creating a custom widget, you’ll find these options in the menu, right below the metric and dimension fields. You can filter by Ad ID, Ad names, Ad set names, and Campaign name.
You can only use one filter at once. If you need to use multiple filters, you will need to create individual widgets and merge them together to display the data within the same widget. You can find more on how to do this here: How do I merge widgets?
The filter Platform allows you to see the data coming from specific platforms. If you don’t apply this filter, the data shown will be the sum of the data from all the platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network).
Please note that the filter Platform doesn’t appear when selecting the metrics “Button Clicks” or “Relevance Score”. In a widget with a dimension, the platform field appears only after the dimension has been selected and if the dimension is part of this list: Ad ID, Ad names, Ad set names, Campaign name, Placement.
You can also segment some metrics and dimensions by actions to personalize your data even more. We have an article dedicated to the actions, learn more!
Should you have more questions about Facebook Ads filters, please reach out to our Support Team.
What's next:
How to see events and custom conversions in Facebook Ads
How to compare my Facebook Ads data results in DashThis
What are the default attribution settings for my Facebook Ads dashboards?