What is DashThis?

Marketing reporting made easy and when we say easy, it's the simplest reporting solution for your needs! Take a look for yourself!


DashThis is a digital marketing reporting tool designed to help marketers and digital agencies gather data from various sources, such as Google Analytics, social media platforms, advertising campaigns, and more, and present that data in visually appealing and easy-to-understand dashboards - Take a look for yourself!



Our mission is to eliminate the pain of marketing reporting by simplifying the process of creating and sharing performance reports by automating data collection and visualization.

We offer features such as drag-and-drop dashboard creation, integrations with various data sources, customizable templates, white-label options for branding, and the ability to schedule and share reports with team members, clients, or stakeholders.

When creating dashboards, we encourage our customers to include the most important key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, graphs, charts, and other visual elements that provide insights into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Now, are you ready to save hours of work and create beautiful reports? You know what to do!




Try it free


If you have any questions before starting our 15-day free trial, contact one of our Product Specialists at sales@dashthis.com to help you 😊