Note: DashThis supports Performance Max, Local Service Ads & Smart Campaigns.
Metric Name | Description | Calculations (if applicable) |
All Conversions Rate | The total number of conversions divided by the total interactions that can lead to conversions. Because you might receive more than one conversion per interaction, this conversion rate may be over 100%. | Total conversions / Total interactions |
All Conversions Value | The total value of all of your conversions that Google Ads measures across all conversion actions. | |
All Conversions Value / Click | The total value of all of your conversions divided by the total number of clicks. | All Conversions Value / Click |
All Conversions | The total number of conversions that Google Ads measures across all conversion actions. *These results will also include Custom Columns* | |
Average Conversion Value | The total value of your conversions, across those conversion actions you've chosen to include, is divided by the total number of conversions. | Total value conversions / Total conversions |
Avg. Conversion Value (All Conv.) | The total value of all of your conversions that Google Ads measures across all conversion actions are divided by the total number of conversions that AdWords drives (including website, cross-device, and phone call conversions). | Google Ads total conversion value / Adwords conversions |
Average Cost per View (CPV) | The total cost of all your ad views is divided by the total number of views. | Total cost / Views |
Clicks | The total number of times users have clicked on your ad. | |
Click-Through-Rate (CTR) | The total number of ad clicks is divided by the number of ad impressions. | Total clicks / Impressions |
Cost | The total cost of your ads. | |
Conversions | The total number of conversions, across those conversion actions you've chosen to include. | |
Conversion Rate | The total number of conversions is divided by the total interactions that can lead to conversions. This only includes conversion actions that you've chosen to include. | Total conversions / Total interactions |
Conversion Value | The total value of conversions, across those conversion actions you've chosen to include. | |
Conversion Value / Click | The total value of your conversions, across those conversion actions you've chosen to include, is divided by the total number of clicks. | Conversion Value / Click |
Cost Per Click (CPC) | The total cost of your ad is divided by the total number of clicks. | Total cost / Total clicks |
Cost / Conversions | The total cost of your ads is divided by the conversion actions you've chosen to include. | Cost / Conversions |
Cost / All Conversions | The total cost divided by all conversions | Cost / All conversions |
Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) | The average cost of 1,000 impressions. | |
Cross-Device Conversions | The number of times someone clicked on your ad and then completed a conversion on another device, browser, or app. | |
Daily Budget | The average amount you would like to spend each day over the course of a month. | |
Display Lost IS (budget) | The estimated percentage of impressions your ads didn't receive on the Display Network due to insufficient budget. This data is available at the campaign level only. | |
Display Impression Share | Your ads' impressions on the Display Network are divided by the estimated number of impressions they were eligible to receive. | Ad impressions / Estimated impressions |
Effective Revenue Share (ERS) for Conv. | The total cost of your ads is divided by the value of the conversion actions that you've chosen to include. | Total cost / Conversions |
Effective Revenue Share (ERS) for All Conv. | The total cost of your ads is divided by the value of all your conversions that Google Ads measures across all conversion actions. | Total cost / All conversions |
First Page CPC | The estimate of the CPC bid is required in order to show your ad on the first page of the search results. This number is usually shown in micros, but it may be prefixed with "auto: " or may simply be the string "auto" if automatic bidding is used. | |
Gmail Clicks to Website | The number of clicks on the expanded state of your Gmail ads leads to your landing page. *Important: this metric is not compatible with the dimension placement URL | |
Impressions | The total number of ad campaign impressions | |
Impressions (Absolute Top) % | The percentage of your impressions that are shown as the very first ad above the organic search results | |
Impressions (Top) % | The percentage of your impressions that are shown anywhere above the organic search results | |
Phone Calls | The total number of offline phone calls. | |
Phone Impressions | The number of times either your ad showed your phone number or your number was shown on your website | |
Phone-Through Rate (PTR) | The total number of phone calls received (phone calls) divided by the number of times your phone number was shown (phone impressions) | Total phone calls / Phone number views |
Quality Score | The estimate of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing pages are to a person seeing your ad. Higher Quality Scores typically lead to lower costs and better ad positions. | |
Remarketing List Size | The total number of people on your remarketing list that could be reached. | |
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS in $) for Conv. | The total transaction revenue for the conversion actions you've chosen to include is divided by the cost. This is shown as a dollar amount. | Total revenue / Cost (in $) |
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS in %) for Conv. | The total transaction revenue for the conversion actions you've chosen to include is divided by the cost. This is shown as a percentage. | Total revenue / Cost (in %) |
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS in $) for All Conv. | The total transaction revenue for all your conversions that Google Ads measures across all conversion actions are divided by the cost. This is shown as a dollar amount. | Total conversion revenue / Cost (in $) |
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS in %) for All Conv. | The total transaction revenue for all your conversions that Google Ads measures across all conversion actions are divided by the cost. This is shown as a percentage. | Total conversion revenue / Cost (in %) |
Return on Investment (ROI) for Conv. | The total value of all the conversion actions you've chosen to include, minus the cost. This total is then divided by the cost. | Total conversion value / Cost |
Return on Investment (ROI) for All Conv. | The total value of all your conversions that Google Ads measures across all conversion actions, minus the cost. This total is then divided by the cost. | Total conversion value - Cost |
Search Lost IS (budget) | The estimated percentage of impressions your ads didn't receive on the Search Network due to insufficient budget. | |
Search Impression Share | Your ads' impressions on the Search Network are divided by the estimated number of impressions they were eligible to receive. | Impressions / Estimated impression received |
Search Lost IS (rank) | The estimated percentage of impressions your ads didn't receive on the Search Network due to poor Ad Rank. | |
Top of Page (CPC) | The estimate of the CPC bid is required in order to show your ad on the top of the first page of search results. | |
Viewable Impressions | The number of times your ad was deemed viewable. An ad is viewable when at least 50% of its area is visible for either 1 second for Display Network ads or 2 seconds for Video Ads. | |
Views | The total number of times users have viewed your video ads. | |
View rate | The number of views your TrueView video ad received is divided by its number of impressions (including thumbnail impressions for TrueView in-display ads). | TrueView video views / Impressions |
Video played to 25% | The percentage of impressions where the viewer watched is 25% of your video ad. | |
Video played to 50% | The percentage of impressions where the viewer watched is 50% of your video ad. | |
Video played to 75% | The percentage of impressions where the viewer watched is 75% of your video ad. | |
Video played to 100% | The percentage of impressions where the viewer watched your entire video ad. | |
View-through Conv. | The total number of view-through conversions. These occur when a user sees your ad, then later completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (e.g. clicking on) another ad. | |
Zip/Postal code | The Zip/Postal code in which your ads were shown. |
Dimension Name | Description |
Ad Group | The name of the Ad Group. |
Ad Group Status | The status of the Ad Group. |
Ad Network | The network (Content Search, Search Partners, etc.) is used to deliver the Ads. |
Age Range | The user's age range. |
Description | The descriptive text of an expanded text ad or responsive display ad. |
Campaign | The name of the Campaign. |
Campaign Status | The status of the Campaign. |
City |
The city in which the sessions originated. We added the country in parentheses after the city name to avoid confusion. If you want to use this dimension as a filter, you only need to specify the city name (e.g., "equals Alger"). |
Click Type | The component or property of an Ad, such as the headline or offer that users can click. |
Country | The country in which the session originated. |
Customer Name | The descriptive name of the user's account. |
Device | The type of device on which there was an ad impression. |
Display Ad with Image | The Ad itself, as well as its image. |
Display Keyword | The display keyword used for the Ad. |
Gender | The users' gender. |
Headline | The Ad headline for a text Ad. |
Keyword | The keyword targeted for the Search Campaign Ad. |
Keywords without Match Type | The aggregation of all versions of a keyword regardless of match type. |
Keyword Status | The status of the Keyword. |
Label | The label used in the account. |
Metro Area | The metro area in which the session originated |
Offer ID | The item ID of the product. |
Placement | The detailed placement of your ads (e. g. website URL, mobile application ID, or a YouTube video ID). |
Placement URL | The URL of the site on which the Ad is displayed. |
Product Brand | Brand of the product. |
Product Title* | The title of the product. |
Product Type 1 | The name of the product type level 1 |
Product Type 2 | The name of the product type level 2 |
Product Type 3 | The name of the product type level 3 |
Product Type 4 | The name of the product type level 4 |
Product Type 5 | The name of the product type level 5 |
Region | The region in which the session originated. |
Search Term | The search term that showed your ad. |
If you would like to request more metrics and dimensions, please reach out to our Support Team.
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