- DashThis supports Performance Max, Local Service Ads & Smart Campaigns.
- Auction insights are currently not available in the Google Ads API. To learn more about how to pull this information into DashThis, please visit this article.
- Google Ads conversions metrics are refreshed for the current period and the previous 30 days. This means that if one of your campaigns brought conversion days or weeks after the user saw your ad, the data would be updated up to 30 days after the dashboard’s period is over.
- With our Google Ads integration, you can use the Ad dimension in a Multi-Column List widget. With this type of custom widget, you can see a reproduction of a google search result including your Ad, Campaign, and Ad Group.
- The Search Ad with Preview dimension is only available with a multi-column list widget.
- To help you analyze customer activity on your website, you can link your Google Ads account with your Google Analytics account. More details regarding this information can be found in this article.
- Due to Google Ads' API restrictions, all Shopping dimensions can't be used with "Conversion Rate" and "All Conversion Rate" metrics; and the Product Title dimension can't be used with any metric related to Conversions (i.e. Conversions, Conversion Value, Cost per Conversion, Effective Revenue Share, ROAS, etc.) as well as the "Conversion Name" and "Conversion Category" filters.
- Shopping Campaign Product images are not available with Google Ads API however, you can pull the product title depending on which metric you choose.

9. With the new Google Ads API, there is a graphic limitation with some ad types (list provided below). Please note that you should have access to the data however, ads will not display any description or image, only the ad ID (see screenshots below)
Google Ads Shopping SmartAd ID example:
DashThis widget display example:
List of non-supported graphic ad types:
APP_AD | The ad is an app ad. |
APP_ENGAGEMENT_AD | The ad is an app engagement ad. |
APP_PRE_REGISTRATION_AD | Universal app pre-registration ad. |
DISCOVERY_CAROUSEL_AD | Discovery carousel ad. |
DISCOVERY_MULTI_ASSET_AD | Discovery multi-asset ad. |
DYNAMIC_HTML5_AD | The ad is a display upload ad with one of the DYNAMIC_HTML5_* product types. |
HOTEL_AD | The ad is a hotel ad. |
HTML5_UPLOAD_AD | The ad is a display upload ad with the HTML5_UPLOAD_AD product type. |
IN_FEED_VIDEO_AD | In-feed video ad. |
LEGACY_RESPONSIVE_DISPLAY_AD | The ad is a legacy responsive display ad. |
LEGACY_APP_INSTALL_AD | The ad is a legacy app install ad. |
LOCAL_AD | The ad is a local ad. |
SHOPPING_SMART_AD | The ad is a Smart Shopping ad. |
SHOPPING_PRODUCT_AD | The ad is a standard Shopping ad. |
SHOPPING_COMPARISON_LISTING_AD | The ad is a Shopping Comparison Listing ad. |
SMART_CAMPAIGN_AD | Smart campaign ad. |
VIDEO_AD | The ad is a video ad. |
VIDEO_BUMPER_AD | Video bumper ad. |
VIDEO_OUTSTREAM_AD | Video outstream ad. |
VIDEO_RESPONSIVE_AD | Video responsive ad. |
VIDEO_NON_SKIPPABLE_IN_STREAM_AD | Video non-skippable in-stream ad. |
VIDEO_TRUEVIEW_IN_STREAM_AD | Video TrueView in-stream ad. |
UNSPECIFIED | No value has been specified. |
UNKNOWN | The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value. |
Should you need any assistance with Google Ads, please reach out to our Support Team 🤘