Due to Reddit Ads API limitations, new widgets can only show up to 18 months of historical data. However, we store data as soon as a new widget is created, so we’ll be able to display historical data as far back as when the widget was first created in DashThis, even if this goes back further than 18 months.
The Reddit Ads API is configured to use the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) timezone, which is the default setting in Reddit Ads. If you have modified the timezone settings in your Reddit Ads account, you may notice slight discrepancies in your reported data.
For certain dimensions like region and interest, you may notice that totals don’t add up to 100%. This is by design - Reddit protects user privacy by listing some data as “unknown”. We display exactly what Reddit’s API returns to us. Here’s an example:
The Reach metric is available in the Reddit Ads API since June 2024. Therefore, historical reach data will only be visible from this date forward.
Third-party reporting tools like DashThis may show slightly different results compared to your Reddit Ads Manager views. For detailed explanations of these potential discrepancies, please refer to the Reddit Ads Help Center.