Reddit Ads Metrics and Dimensions

This article provides all the available Reddit Ads metrics and dimensions alongside their descriptions.

Here are the supported Reddit Ads metrics: 

Metric Name Metric Description
Amount Spent The estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaigns, ad groups or ads.
Clicks The number of clicks on your ads.
Click Through Result Key conversion clicks.
Cost Per Result Key conversion effective cost per action.
CPC The average amount of money you've spent on a click.
CPV The cost-per-view for this period.
CTR The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click.
eCPM The effective CPM (cost per thousand impressions) for this period.
Engaged Clicks The number of engaged engaged clicks such as RSVPs.
Frequency The average number of times each user saw the ad.
Full Video Views The number of video fully viewable impressions for the ad.
Impressions The number of times someone saw your ad.
Plays Expanded The number of times the video was played while expanded.
Plays with Sound The number of times the video was played with sound.

The number of unique users who saw the ad.

*Available in the Reddit Ads API since June 2024. No data will be available before this date.

Reddit Leads Reddit lead count.
Result Rate Key conversion rate.
Total Result Key conversion total count.
Video Completion Rate The percentage of the video that was played.
Video Starts The number of times the ad was served and the video began playing.
View Through Result Key conversion views.
Video Views The number of video viewable impressions for the ad.
Video View Rate The percentage of the video that was played.
Watches at 25% The number of times the ad was served and at least 25% of the video has played.
Watches at 50%                                                   The number of times the ad was served and at least 50% of the video has played.
Watches at 75% The number of times the ad was served and at least 75% of the video has played.
Watches at 95% The number of times the ad was served and at least 95% of the video has played.
Watches at 100% The number of times the ad was served and a user watched the entire video.
3-Second Views The number of times the ad was served and at least 3 seconds of the video has played.
5-Second Views The number of times the ad was served and at least 5 seconds of the video has played.
10-Second Views The number of times the ad was served and at least 10 seconds of the video has played.


Here are the supported Reddit Ads dimensions: 


Dimension Name Dimension Definition
Ad Account ID The ID of the ad account.
Ad Account Name The name of the ad account.
Ad Group ID The ID of the ad group.
Ad Group Name The name of the ad group.
Ad ID The ID of the ad.
Ad Name The name of the ad.
Campaign ID The ID of the campaign.
Campaign Name The name of the campaign.
Community The community/subreddit being targeted.
Country The country targeted for the report.
Gender The gender of the user.
Interest The interests of the users being targeted.
Placement The placement of a creative.
Region The region (US state or UK country) targeted for the reports.
US DMA The Designated Market Area (DMA) targeted for the reports.