Pinterest Analytics notes/limitations

Key information about our Pinterest Analytics integration to help you understand data limitations, access requirements, and interpret your reports accurately.

Access Requirements & Required Permissions

The minimum level of access to be able to connect your Pinterest account to dashthis is "analyst". Please note that we recommend you have an "admin" role as this will ensure you have access to all endpoints and allow you to have complete data on every metric. 

Historical Data Constraints

90-Day Limitation

There is a 90-day historical data limit: the first access retrieves available data. If the 90-day limit falls within a reporting period, we retrieve partial data from the limit until the end of the period.

Refreshing Constraints

All periods not entirely within the 90-day limit cannot be refreshed, as we store historical data to create complete dashboards over time and want to avoid accidental loss of data.

Considerations for Widgets with Dimensions

For metrics with dimensions, you'll only see data for Organic pins that are yours. Other Pins and Paid & earned Pins are not supported at the moment. Note that the total line of widgets with a dimension might be lower than the same metric without any dimension. This occurs because a widget without dimensions includes all pins the account has access to. To compare and replicate the same view of a widget with dimension in your Pinterest Analytics interface, use these filters:

Coming Soon

Content Type, Source, and From Claimed Account filters are not yet available as of March 20th, 2024, but our team is working on implementing them in the upcoming weeks.