How to display my Facebook Messenger data into DashThis?

A lot of marketing actions can be initiated through Messenger in order to get a more personalized experience to your audience. Some of this data can be pulled into your DashThis reports.

Unfortunately, not all Facebook Messenger data can be available from the Facebook Ads' API used by DashThis.

However, some of these metrics are available under the “Action type” metrics of Facebook Ads:

  • Number of Messenger conversations started in the last 7 days
  • Number of first replies on Messenger conversations
  • Number of Messenger conversations blocked

To display those metrics in your report, simply create a Facebook Ads widget, and choose the "Actions" metric, or any of its alternatives (Cost per any action, Cost per unique actions, People taking actions).

Then, open the "specific action types" dropdown, and choose one of the three Messenger metrics.

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**Please note that you need to have active data for these metrics in your Facebook Ad account in order to see those metrics populated in the dropdown menu.