How to compare all my Google Analytics Universal goals together in one widget?

The goals metrics are a great way to track the achievement of certain strategies on your website. Comparing those goals together can help you know what worked better.

When being in your Google Analytics (Universal) dashboard, there are two different ways you can compare your Google Analytics goals together in the same widget.


  1. By creating a Preset Widget which is the fastest way to create a widget:
    1. Open the Preset Widgets panel
    2. Choose the widget called "Top Converting Goals"

      Please note that when creating a Preset Widget, all Google Analytics data sources connected in your dashboard will be aggregated in this widget.

  2. By creating a Custom Widget in order to specifically choose all the settings:
    1. Open the Custom Widgets panel
    2. At the third step, choose the metric called "Goal Completions" and the dimension "Goal Name".




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