What is a campaign dashboard?

The campaign dashboard is designed to track the performance of an advertising campaign or to create a dashboard with a custom date range. It also allows you to compare your current campaign to a previous one. May your advertising campaign rolls out for 1 week, 3 months, or 2 years, the campaign dashboard offers a great date range flexibility to track your performances.




1 – Dashboard preferences


Once you’ve selected a campaign dashboard, you have to set the dashboard preferences.


First, enter the start and the end dates of the campaign you want to track or the custom date range you need. Your dashboard will stop being updated on your chosen end date. Once the period is over, you’ll still be able to view the dashboard, but it will be frozen in time; no new data will be added. As a side note: even if no new data is added after the end date, you’ll still be able to modify your dashboard or add new widgets.

campaign preferences

The campaign dashboard only tracks completed days. It means it doesn’t import real-time data, even at its creation. Keep this info in mind when looking at your dashboard!


The campaign dashboard offers the option to compare your current campaign to a previous campaign (please note that both campaigns need to have the same duration). You can simply enter the start date of the campaign you want to compare to, and the end date will automatically adjust itself.


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2 – Available widgets

2.1 – Trend

The trend widget shows the evolution of one metric over your campaign’s period. You can see specific data points by hovering over the graph. If you compare campaigns in your dashboards, data from both campaigns will be displayed, with the current one shown in green and the past one in red.


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2.2 – Number

The number widget displays an editable number. In the top left-side corner of the widget, you’ll find the percentage comparison to the previous campaign. Please note that this comparison is done with the final result of the previous campaign, even if your current campaign is still running, and as such, doesn’t yet have a final result.

The Number widget allows you to set goals for the current campaign; this feature measures the progress you’re making towards your goal while the campaign is running, and it also shows the end result once the campaign is over.


In the Edit widget panel, under the section Visual Display, you can set your goal. You can also choose if and how you want your progress displayed in your widget. You have three options:




None: The progress won’t be shown in the widget.

Goal: The progress towards your goal will be shown in the widget. The bar will show how close you are to your goal, but won’t take time into account.


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Goal & Bullet: The progress toward your goal will be shown in the widget and will take time into account. The system will calculate the progress you should be making every day in order to reach your goal on time. The black line represents time and will progress as time goes by. The orange bar represents the measured metric and will progress as the data changes. You can then see if you’re ahead of or behind schedule.


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2.3 – List

The list widget displays one metric according to one dimension. From left to right, the data displayed shows: the current campaign’s results, the difference between the current and the previous campaigns, and the previous campaign’s final result.


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2.4 – Multi-column list

The multi-column list allows you to display all your metrics within the same table, classified according to one dimension. The structure is the same as the list widget; from left to right, the data displayed shows: the current campaign’s result, the difference between the current and the previous campaigns, and the previous campaign’s final result.


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You now know everything there is to know about the campaign dashboard! Have fun with it!




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